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The Team

We keep the highest standards of teaching and we have a professional and experienced team who will guide you during the classes.

Dana Federman

Founder, Manager & Yoga Teacher

Hebrew, English

Founder and manager. Practicing different yoga styles since 2000 and teach gentle Hatha yoga.  Dana is a certificate Hatha yoga teacher who graduated from Prana Yoga College Teachers training by Shakti Mhi.


"Yoga helps me to live a more balanced, calm and positive life. Yoga empowers me and gives me the energy and flexibility I want and need in life. It helps me get a different and clearer perspective on things. For me, yoga is home."


Poojita Hedje

Yoga Teacher

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Poojita is a Yoga teacher and a dancer from India, currently living in Berlin. Growing up in India, Yoga has always been an integral part of her life. She completed her 200-hour yoga teacher training at Ashmayu Yoga in Bangalore, India, laying the foundation for her teaching journey. She expanded her expertise by exploring Meditation and Breathwork at Mindflowharmorny Academy in Rishikesh, India. Poojita teaches Hatha yoga, Yin and Restorative yoga. Poojita's teaching philosophy centers around making Yoga accessible to all bodies. Through mindful movement and breath, she strives to cultivate self-awareness, fostering a deeper understanding of both the body and mind. Her classes are carefully designed to embrace strength, softness, and inner connection, providing a holistic experience for her students.


"Yoga for me is a way of life, a journey within. Amidst the chaos of life, I find solace in Yoga. It brings me back to my centre, connects me to my inner being. Stillness and inner silence that I experience during my Yoga practice create a sense of home within myself "

Instagram: @poojitas_artandmovement

Kannada, Hindi, English


María Ferrara

Yoga Teacher

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Spanish, English, German

María has practiced yoga since 1998. They completed basic (2004) and advanced (2007) Hatha teacher training and have been teaching since 2004.

"My practice of ashtanga vinyasa (2006-2012) contributed dynamic sequencing to my classes. I practice and teach yoga integrating flexibility/strength, will/surrender, and concentration/expansion. I perceive the organism as a whole and believe that an engaged physical practice can be transformative on all levels of the individual and beyond it."


"Yoga helps me connect with equanimity in the face of challenge, wonder at what may seem ordinary and profound humbleness, trust and joy. It attunes my whole organism and keeps it strong, adaptable, and vibrant. Yoga is what I always return to."


María is also a performing artist and a Gestalt practitioner


Nora Sundman

Yoga Teacher

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Born in Hawaii, I am a Swedish-American yogi with a big heart and free spirit. Yoga asana and meditation have been an essential part of my life for 10 years. I have two 200-hr teacher training and one 300-hr YTT under my belt. My passion for powerful, dynamic, and focused yet smooth movement has existed since a young age (ie; dance, gymnastics, and synchronized swimming) but I felt these were lacking something deeper. I studied art for 8 years, where my interest in body movement manifested into artwork with expressive nudes as the focus. When I discovered yoga asana and philosophy, I realized what I had previously been missing and seeking. I love the physicality of yoga because it allows me to explore and expand my strength and flexibility, but even more so I love that the practice is a platform to train my mind; to challenge and question my core beliefs and connect with and ground myself.


"I love to teach because I can connect with people and help them to realize and sharpen the tools that they already possess within themselves to realize their full potential. We are all deep beings with many layers of thoughts/feelings; pain, joy, fear, love, etc; and often we get so caught up in the details that we forget to step back and see the vastness; the bigger picture of life: that we are all connected and that there is so much more to life than our fleeting emotions or ever-evolving physical body."


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Deborah Bettega

Yoga Teacher

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Born in Italy and have been living in Germany for over 6 years.
After several years of competitive climbing, Deborah discovered yoga and immediately fell in love with it. Deborah teaches Yin yoga, which is very meditative and introspective but is also a teacher of Hatha, Vinyasa, and Ashtanga, which are more dynamic practices. Before Debo left for India to become a yoga teacher she completed studies in massage, nutrition, and relaxation techniques, which helped her immensely in becoming an all-round wellness teacher.


"With yoga, I started to get to know my body better through the practice of asanas, I got to know my mind better through meditation, and I started to know myself better through the calm and peace I found in the practice."

Italian, English, German


Merav Ben Dor

Yoga Teacher

Hebrew, English

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Coming from a background of dance and yoga, Merav fell in love with Pilates as it helped her understand her body better, improved her dancing techniques and skills, and made her stronger and longer (and if not by actual centimeters, then at least by feeling).  Teaching for the last 7 years helped her regain strength afterbirth and increased her appreciation of the human body and its capabilities. The classes suit all levels and emphasize the connection between breathing and moving, as well as researching the work of the body as a "whole made of separate parts".

She has seen bodies change through and with the help of Pilates and believes that sometimes our body is wiser than our head, and we should just follow it to its full potential.

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Ash Willison

Yoga Teacher


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Ash started doing yoga when growing up in Uganda. Her practice developed amidst the wonderful chaos of life as an outlet for grounding and clarity. Years later she completed her training in Thailand and went on to teach internationally. Ash is certified in Hatha, Vinyasa, and Prenatal yoga prioritizing alignment, accessibility, and playfulness of movement. When off the mat, Ash is a multi-media artist and producer.

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Kiawna Brewster

Yoga Teacher


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My yoga journey began in 2014 when I started my first year of graduate school in Long Beach, California. What began as a casual workout routine turned into the most essential outlet for me to relieve myself from the emotional struggles that came along with navigating life in academia. While my life continued to be abundant with change and transitions, my practice has always been the one thing that remained. My mat is the place where I feel safe, empowered, strong, and dare I even say graceful! My practice deepened in 2018 and became an irreplaceable aspect of my life--this is when I knew in my heart that I wanted to share how yoga changed my life with others. I traveled to India in June of 2019 where I completed my 200-hour program in Rishikesh, India, and have been teaching ever since. Life brought me to Berlin in early 2020, and I have been both practicing and teaching yoga at multiple studios across the city in search of community.  


Dafna Baruch

Yoga Teacher

Hebrew, English

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I always had a passion for movement and it has guided me through different stages of life. After dancing most of my childhood I took a break from movement, until one day, I discovered yoga. I started practicing in 2013 and studied devoutly with my teacher for almost 8 years. In between I did two 200h TTC and a 300h TTC (Vinyasa, Hatha, Yoga Synergy), assisted in teacher trainings, and studied two years of reflexology; I am very grateful for the learning path that never ends. All this incredible knowledge implies that the most important knowledge is already within us - body, mind, and soul; we just need to notice that it is there. This is what I practice and this is what I try to transfer in my teachings. In my classes, we arrive at ourselves through a combination of gentle and aligned movement, awareness of breath, embodiment, and meditation. Using all these methods we may discover amazing things, and how wonderful it is that we have the opportunity to take this journey together.


Yoko Liehm

Pilates Teacher


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Yoko is a dancer and a certified pilates instructor. She first encountered Pilates during her training at ballet school.  Pilates has positively influenced her dancing quality, helped clear her mind, and enhanced her energy to go through her daily activities. After completing the Peak Pilates - Basic Mat instructor training in 2018, she has been teaching a diverse range of people, both individuals and groups. Her aim in teaching Pilates is to help increase body awareness, refine breath control, and strengthen the core through an engaging and effective approach.


Silvia Laporta

Holistic & Sound therapist

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Silvia is a certified holistic & sound therapist. She is passionate about empowering humans. Her purpose is to serve and support people on their healing journey. She discovered the magical healing power of Tibetan bowls and gongs about 4 years ago, and from that moment became addicted to what she loves to define the medicine of the future: sounds & vibrations.  Silvia is also a Yoga teacher, Doula, Massage therapist & Reiki practitioner. 
In her classes, she combines traditional techniques with a modern understanding of the connection between body, mind & spirit. She likes to blend meditation, breath work, sounds, and voice in her practice, to offer a unique and touching experience to the participants.


‘’A Soundbath is a travel through time a space to meet your soul’’

Join her classes every Wednesday  21:15-22:15 at Yoga Hub Fhain 

Italian, English


Tanja Tress

Yoga Teacher

German, English

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Tanja is a Hatha/Yin/Vinyasa, Pre- and Postnatal, Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Instructor & Relaxation Therapist from and based in Berlin. In movements, she combines softness and strength in a sensitive, mindful, intuitive, and calm environment.


"Embody Yoga - Yoga for me is a way of living. Let’s listen to our Self’s, our bodies, and our minds and discover and get connected to our feelings and senses.“

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Elif Sant Kaur

Kundalini Yoga Teacher

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Elif is a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher trained at Karam Kriya School, Berlin led by Shiv Charan Singh. She continues Kundalini Yoga Therapy training with Guru Dharam and Ayurveda courses with Ulli Allmendinger. Elif teaches KY in a joyful, gentle, and compassionate way embraced by magical mantra sound in her classes.


"Kundalini has been continuously inspiring me, I remember my first Kundalini class as the biggest gift I have received in this life journey that started transforming me to let me live an authentic life aligned with my truth. I enjoyed practicing varied types of yoga over the years until I decided to deepen my journey in Kundalini and spread this unique technology of Kundalini Yoga. Through the practice I cultivated a closer connection to my inner self through pranayama, chanting, asana, and meditation. The more I tuned into my inner voice, the louder I heard the call to express and share my experience in teaching yoga and reflecting my creativity into spiritual jewelry. I am passionate to share this immense transformative energy which fundamentally gives you, 'you'."



Turkish, English, German


Rosa Ramire

Yoga Teacher

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Hello-Om there! 

This is Rosa, a young Psychologist and Yoga Instructor living in Berlin since 2018


"I had my first contact with Yoga when I was a little girl, my Mexican and Canadian indigenous community taught me the art of connecting our souls with nature, yet I could never understand the deeper meaning of it, only a couple of years ago when I decided to move to Berlin, where life gave me good Karma Yoga; since then my passion for yoga has grown, completing my training and falling in love with Vinyasa Flow."


Spanish, English


Jessica Akers

Pilates Teacher

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Jessica is a Seattle, Washington native currently living in Berlin. A BASI Pilates Mat Certified Instructor, she focuses on the mind and body connection through movement. She has a passion for fitness and wellness for herself and her clients and has extensive experience working with dancers, actors, and business people alike. Also a Professional Dancer, she has trained her entire life working with the body in motion, as well as with injury prevention and support. She caters each class to her client's health and fitness goals, by combining strength work and flexibility exercises to increase the body's overall range of motion. She is so excited to share her practice with you. See you on the mat!



Alexandra Lais

Yoga Teacher

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I’m Alexandra, Romanian-born, raised in London, and Berlin-based :)
I’m intensely fascinated by movement and rediscovering the innate and intuitive patterns that the body holds. I guide people to reconnect to their body intelligence by attuning to sensation, felt perception, and a sense of presence. 
To me, yoga is a unification of all the different parts of the human system, and so my classes are a dynamic and curious exploration of the various ways in which we experience ourselves as living beings, both within our inner and outer worlds. 

I share my insights and journey on my Instagram profile @alexandra.explorations

English, Romanian

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Ana Clara. M

Yoga Teacher

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Ana (she/her) is a Yoga teacher and dance artist from Brazil. She has been teaching movement classes since 2017 and, in 2021, started to focus all her teaching on Yoga. Ana was trained in dance as a child and teenager. She found Yoga during her university studies as a support to her dance, practicing Hatha Yoga for 8 years and later focusing on Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. The connection to breath and inner silence made her fall in love with this practice. Ana was trained as a teacher by the a1000 Yoga Academy of India. Today she studies under the guidance of Andrea Lutz, in Berlin. Besides Asana (physical practice), she was initiated into Tantric meditation and Pranayama with Swami Aghorananda Saraswati. She has also studied somatic practices such as the Klein Technique and Bartenieff Fundamentals. Ana sees Yoga as a tool for healing and acquiring self-knowledge, and believes in the power of this practice to transform how we act and respond to the world.


For more information, please visit

Portuguese, Spanish, English

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Kia Kali

Yoga Teacher

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Kia is dedicated to creating a space for inner connection, integration, pleasure, and self-discovery. Kia has been regularly practicing yoga, dance, and diverse somatic movement methods since 2005. She had her first teacher training in dance in 2009 and completed her yoga teacher training at the Somatic Academy Berlin in 2017. Kia has been facilitating classes in different styles of yoga and movement for over a decade. Whether she is teaching Hatha, Vinyasa Flow, Yin Yoga, or Intuitive Dance, Kia is interested in shining a light onto our sensations within, coming in closer contact with our present experience, and tapping into our inner gold through body-mind practices. Kia is also a multidisciplinary artist. Read more about her and her sessions here.


“My practice is rooted in a conscious connection with our constantly evolving inner landscapes. Exploring breath, movement, and self-perception inspires me to discover new insights and embody a special sense of vitality and wholeness. In my classes, I emphasized sensing nuances of the body from within and finding comfort and pleasure inside our skin. I believe that conscious movement can help us process and integrate our experiences, nurture what we need to grow, and become better versions of ourselves. I believe that in these practices we can find essential gems for our humanity.”

English, German, Spanish

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Chiara Fileccia

Yoga Teacher

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Chiara discovered yoga almost 17 years ago in her hometown, Palermo. In 2019 she completed her first 200 hours of teacher training with Tatjana Mesar at the Dynamic Mindfulness School in Berlin. The training included Buddhist mindfulness practice and evidence-based movement. In 2020 she followed her dream and went to India where she completed her 300 hours of teacher training in Vinyasa Flow at Sampoorna in Goa under the guidance of Rowena Johnson and Sudhir Rishi. In 2022 she also completed an 85-hour training in Prenatal Yoga with Lucia Ilaria Seglie. Chiara has been teaching yoga for almost four years now but she still considers herself a forever student. Both her teaching and personal practice draw inspiration from a wide range of different yogic lineages. From Ashtanga to Kundalini and Katonah yoga, her teachers and mentors' list includes among others: Rowena Johnson, Filiz Avunduk, Abbie Galvin, Bess Prescott, Taiji Quan, and Qigong teacher Lingji Hon.

"Yoga has been the journey back to myself. I never feel so connected to my true self as when I step on my mat. I started teaching yoga because I wanted others to feel the same and after many years that still hasn't changed".

English, Italian

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Laura DeAngelis

Yoga Teacher

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Laura (they/them) is a 200-hour-Vinyasa trained instructor with an additional 55-hour training in Yoga Therapy for Oncology Patients. Through their teaching journey, Laura has also become a passionate instructor for introspective forms of yoga like Yin and Restorative. With a background as a dancer, Laura's flows simultaneously focus on creative and intentional sequence while maintaining a focus on anatomy coupled with mindfulness. Laura's classes and practice emphasize a balance of Eastern tradition with Western understanding of the physiological and neurological benefits of yoga. As a teacher, Laura also sees themself as a lifelong learner and practitioner. Their favorite thing about teaching yoga is the multiplicity of connections formed with students who consistently and uniquely offer opportunities for mutual growth. Laura teaches at both YogaHub locations, and can't wait to practice and connect with you!


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Naia Urresti

Yoga Teacher

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Naia is a Venezuelan dancer and choreographer based in Berlin. From a young age, she started her investigation of the body and movement through artistic gymnasts, yoga, theatre, ballet, and contemporary dance. Having worked professionally in Theatre and Dance with different companies in Caracas such as Pisorrojo and Neodanza, she moved to Europe to continue her formation and develop her research as a choreographer, presenting her pieces in diverse spaces in Berlin. She also dedicates herself to teaching and sharing her experience with movement, offering classes in different disciplines such as yoga, dance, acrobatics, and stretching, as a way to connect with her own body, self-expression, and the present moment.

English, Spanish

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Nicola Micallef

Yoga Teacher

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Born and raised on the island of Malta, Nicki worked and toured as a professional contemporary dancer with Malta’s leading dance company, ZfinMalta National Dance Company, for over 4 years. She soon felt her calling to venture outside of the islands, relocating to Berlin in 2022 to embark on her freelance dance journey. Throughout the years, yoga had always been a big part of her life, however, it seemed to take a more practical role, simply in preparation for her performative work. Alongside a passion for movement, her interests expanded into the world of Yoga where she knew a deeper interest still lay. In December 2022, Nicola completed her 200-hour training at La Casa Shambala, Thailand, where she attained certification in both Hatha and Vinyasa styles. She now applies her knowledge of body awareness and movement qualities into her practice, constantly noting the mind-body connection, through a fun and abundant flow :)



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Alex Hayes

Yoga Teacher

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Alex is a yoga teacher born in the serene seaside landscapes of the United Kingdom, and now
flourishing amidst the vibrant energy of Berlin for the past four years. Drawing from my coastal
upbringing and her experiences in this dynamic city, she's cultivated a practice centered on holistic
well-being and mindful exploration.


"I bring a wealth of experience through a 200-hour yoga teacher training and yin yoga certification. I enjoy teaching a range of classes from Hatha Vinyasa, Yin and Restorative, accompanied by breath-
work, guided visualisation and meditation. I facilitate a deep connection between mind, body and
spirit, prioritising inclusive environments where students feel supported on their journey of growth
and discovery. I’ve also established myself as a Gong player, leading sound healing baths for over 2 years. Alongside this, I play the ocean drum, tibetan bowls and chimes, which release tension and guide our nervous system into a state of rest and digest."


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Sian Kate Lloyd

Yoga Teacher

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Sian is a yoga teacher, sound healer and holistic health coach living in Berlin.
She offers a variety of classes, from Vinyasa to Sound Baths, all with the intention of creating a space
for students to slow down and connect with their body, breath and self.


“Yoga holds a very special place in my heart. It taught me to slow down, to breathe, and to be
present with myself. Ultimately, it brought me closer to myself. In recent years, I’ve also fallen in
love with Sound Healing, a beautiful companion to yoga, and a path to deeper relaxation, connection
and healing. In my classes, I create a warm space where students can enjoy time for themselves to reconnect to their peaceful, centred, inspired selves. I focus on mindful movement, intentional breath, and always incorporate a good amount of time for relaxation and sound healing, even in a vinyasa class :)
Looking forward to seeing you on the mat!"



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